In Australian state, high school starts in Eighth Grade for Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland. High Schools in Victoria, Tasmania, Northern Territory, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory start high school at Seventh Grade. In mathematics, the classes focus on geometry, substitutions and formulas, measurements and equations. Though some states differ.
In British schools, 9th grade (in terms of age requirements) is equivalent to year 10 (called Year 11 in Northern Ireland), the fourth year of Comprehensive School/High/Grammar School. However, students in the UK start comprehensive school, High School or Grammar School (the school in which they attend is based upon their academic ability) at the age of 11, and finish at either 15 or 16 years old, depending on when in the academic year their birthday falls (1 September – 31 August) when they sit GCSE exams. Non-compulsory education continues where students can choose to remain at school or attend a sixth form college to take AS levels and A levels before applying to universities.
In the United States, ninth grade is usually the first year in high school (called "upper secondary school" in other countries). In this system, ninth graders are also often referred to as freshmen. In the mathematics curriculum, ninth graders are usually taught Pre-Algebra or Algebra I. Advanced courses (such as Geometry in the US) are usually available to ninth graders who are prepared for a more rigorous curriculum, depending on the school district. In some cases, the upcoming ninth graders will take Algebra II. Some districts across the country allow their 9th graders to take Trigonometry or AP Statistics, or even Calculus if the district provides.
In the English curriculum, ninth graders are taught the basic fundamentals of Literature and touches the fundamentals of speech and debate. They may also read Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare as it correlates with current teenage life and issues.
In the social studies curriculum, ninth graders are typically taught geography, government, and history. In most areas, students are open to taking more advanced history courses like world history or U.S. history with the consent of the pupil's previous social studies teacher.
In the science curriculum, ninth grade students are required, in most areas, to take earth science. Physical science may be taught as well in some schools. It is often a pre-requisite for most other lab sciences available at the high school level, and is often a requirement for graduation. In some cases, the upcoming ninth grader may choose to take the tenth grade course. Biology and chemistry can also be taken in 9th grade, depending on the district.
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