In the United States and Canada, sixth grade is usually the first year of middle school, or the last year of elementary school, as stated above. Students usually have different teachers for each subject.
In mathematics, students learn about Fractions and decimals. Exponents are also generally introduced, and students learn about the properties of circles and polygons, and the measurement of angles in degrees. Pre-Algebra and Algebra I are taught in some schools, as honors courses.
In science, students usually learn about life science, physical science, earth science. Students are introduced to scientific methodology, taxonomy, and ecology.
In English, students usually learn about grammar and the different types of writing (e.g. poetry, narrative, book report, research report).
In Malta, 6th grade is equivalent to Form 1 age of 11-12. This is the first year where students have different teachers for each subject but most schools have the same classroom for most of the subjects(such as Mathematics, English, Italian, French, science, Maltese etc.). This is the first year of secondary school.
In Ireland, the equivalent is 6th Class which is the eighth and final year of Primary School.
In Canada, they start sexual education. Learning about puberty helping them later in life. Also lightly learning about drugs, bullying/ cyber-bullying. In some parts of Ontario students are in a program specifacally for drugs and types of bullying. Grade 6 students in Ontario do a provincial test EQAO. For students in French immersion their whole test is written in English. Where in Third grade their math portion was in French. In many school children are either beginning middle school or their last year of elementary school.
In Singapore, the equivalent is Primary 5 or Primary 6, as the Singapore academic year starts in January, unlike in Europe, Canada, and The USA where it starts in September.
Average students start learning Algebra, Statistics/Data Analysis. For English, students learn English grammar. For Science classes, students learn about Biology, Chemistry and Physics as diverging branches of Science.
Advanced students in "special classes", known as SAP,or start learning Trigonometry and Advanced Algebra. For English, students start learning to write short stories and exploration of Shakespeare. For Science classes, students learn about agricultural contamination, industrial pollution and the origin of species (evolution).
Gifted Education Programme (GEP) students start learning the History of Mathematics, and Applications of Complex Algebra and Trigonometry in industrial circumstances. For English, GEP students start to learn writing their own novels, poetry and documentaries. For Science classes, students are encouraged to develop their own software applications such as iPhone apps. GEP students also learn about the origin of the Empiricism in Science with the advent of European Enlightenment.
Its English and Welsh equivalent is Year 7, the first year of secondary school. The Scottish equivalent is Primary 7, which is the last year of primary school.
In Brazil, the age of the first year in elementary school was recently raised from 8 to 9 years. As such the minimum age required to enter the 6th grade was changed from 10 to 11 years old.
In Pakistan, Bangladesh and India, Sixth grade is called Class 6.
In Australia, Sixth grade is the last or second last year of Primary School, however in Australia it is more commonly called "Year 6".
In Finland, equivalent is grade 6 (ages 11–12).
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